Using our overlays, you can see what your visitors are clicking vs. what “you think” they are clicking. Are people clicking your images? Navigation? Primary or secondary calls to action? Do you know how users interact with your site? Watch how the visitor’s eyes are drawn to certain areas on a page. Are they going to specific parts of the page you want them to? Do you need to redesign a certain element on the page to help draw their attention to it? See how far your users scroll and where their attention fades or disappears. Are they scrolling past your main call to action? Are they scrolling so fast that nothing is grabbing their attention? Video playback of your visitors actions. Imagine you are standing behind each visitor and observing each move, each click and scroll live, while they are on your WordPress site. This feature alone will help you to improve your user experience dramatically, resulting in improved results for you. Never wonder if your visitors are seeing your most important information. We Track and Record User Behavior Online
By Clicks
By Eye / Mouse Movement
By Scrolling
Video Replay
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